Welcome Infidel to Warriors of the Prophets! 

This is a clan for anyone fluent in the English Language and owns the Halo 2 game. This Clan is a themed Clan, the theme being Covenant. It is especially designed for hardcore Halo players who share a special interest with the aliens of the Halo universe.

While we do participate in Halo events on both the X-box and the PC, this Clan will be mostly focusing on the Halo 2 game. 

Our warriors can now battle for prizes in the epic Clash of Camelot game online too. 

"Your Destruction is the Will of the Gods... and we are their Instrument." - Clan Chant


DATE: 7th January 2004 - Minimum Priority - Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. This update contains many added members to our roster and the Battalion leaders have also given out some honors. I will also be giving out promotions as well from now and, well, continuously I guess. Also I apologize because a few individuals sent me applications more or less just as I was updating the website, sorry guys. Glad more people are on the forums also. 

Hope your ready for another year of human ass kicking Elites because we are the Warriors of the Prophets and nothing can stop us.

Warriors of the Prophets Covenant Battlenet


Older News

DATE: Saturday 4th December 2004 - Minimum Priority - Last update for a while. Mainly for two reasons:

1. My exams are coming up and I also have lots of coursework to get done so basically large amount of duty towards education.

2. I've added everyone to Battalions and I'm quite happy with how they are, but if you do want to change, please tell me.

Any future updates will involve mostly the Battlenet, due to I've finished everything else. I can't say when these next updates will be due to a hectic timetable. So it'll happen when it happens.

So what's on this update? 

All the Battalions are sorted. Everyone has there own page and I've added some new members. You will notice some squad changes, I apologize but its mostly due to X-Box Live reasons.  I've also added a Reserves section to deal with those who have not got Live, but have access to it. Finally I have made some changes to the clans ranking page RANKINGS check it out to see uniform and structure changes as well as the new rules for the Arbiter.

Finally I say to Battalion leaders, please try to get all the Battalion members on X-Box Live and on the Battalion Forums as a compulsory measure. The new members will not know of this (my replies to their applications were very brief) so please be informative. Remember that signing into msn and the normal forums isn't compulsory but would be nice. Also sort out squad emblems for every squad to have.

DATE: Thursday 25th November 2004 Message Priority - Maximum Priority

A lot needs to be discussed concerning the clan battalions. 

First of all, mostly, all the Battalion stuff is utterly finished. Everyone has there own page which anyone can look at. It contains members contact information and things of that nature. 

Due to some mishaps, however, some data is missing. Some members are listed, but I have lost the details they sent me so at this moment they have no page. I ask that if you are listed but your name is not linked to send me details immediately so I can get this all done. I also ask that everyone checks their updated pages. If anything is missing, incorrect or has changed please let me or your battalion leader know. I know that in some cases you have acquired gamertags and they are not there. I also need the age and location of every member. If you are not in the listings at all then you probably didn't reply to my email, if you get in contact with me quick I may be able to sort something out.

The listings are finished, but they are still subject to change as I match people up from similar areas, time zones and age. Also note that all Canadians are now in Cleansers of the Infidels and have been moved from Guardians of High Charity. Members can still ask to move squads if they wish to. Myself and the Battalion Leaders will do what we can.

Secondly, Battalion leaders need to do the following things. (all members should look though)

1) Contact every member in their battalion that they can, telling them that it is compulsory that they get an account on the Battalion Forums and tell them the Battalion password.

2) Get all battalion members on Bungie and then to sign into the Clan Chapter Page (PS I made all Battalion Leaders Mods/Ship Masters on the Bungie Clan Chapter)

3) If possible get them to have msn messenger.

4) It is your jobs to organize clan matches, go on the Clan Links page, and use it to finds clans willing to play us.

5) Remember you can give promotions and honors, but do it reasonably (also inform me of it as well)

6) Make sure that all members in your battalion have X-Box Live (unless its the PC clan). Some members have it but it is not on the page, so finding out the tags is appreciated. If they have not got X-Box Live however, simply let them know that if someone applies who does have X-Box Live they will more than likely be replaced.

Thirdly, Squad leaders should make sure that everyone in that squad has the same style emblem and background to maintain uniform. Commanders can choose any emblem for themselves. 

Speaking of uniform, I must say that I am dissatisfied. No-one is allowed to play as Spartans! Secondly wear the color code of your rank. The page telling you what colors to use can be found here

Lastly, the site now has an internal search engine which you can use to find what you need. It can be found using the Clan Link.

Well that's it, and if you have any problems, that is not to do with the site, profile etc then please from now on contact your Battalion leaders as they will have much higher levels of responsibility from now on.

In the next update expect to see lots of new information in the Battlenet section but also some rearrangements in Battalion squads. I am also working on getting some submissions by Hnso to work which will benefit the clan.

Myself and the Battalion Leaders want everyone signed into the Battalion Forums and Clan Chapter ASAP. The other Forum is entirely optional.

Next (main) update is scheduled for 6th December, though smaller ones will be before then.

DATE: 1st November 2004 - ONLY 8-10 DAYS TO GO TILL HALO 2!!!

Now that I have got that off my chest, time for the main news. I have completely finished remodeling the Covenant Battlenet, that is, until more Halo 2 information becomes available. I've made the website easier to navigate by making on-page internal links which I hope you use. I've added more members to the Battalions, those who have given me location details anyway. Also the Battalions forums are fully done. They can be accessed from the website or the normal forums. Each section has a different password so upon joining put whichever battalion you are part of in front of your Elite name (either BA, GoHC or CotI) the Battalion leader or myself will then send you the password to the respective forum section. Battalions are strictly for organizing members and games so any spam is not tolerated. It is a lot stricter than the normal forums.

There will be a large series of cuts in November. If you are not active in the forums, don't converse with the Battalion Leaders or myself and are not an above average player your membership to the clan is wearing very thin. I need up most dedication, not people wanting the clans name with them for bragging rights. As a final point from Tuesday 2nd till November 8th I will be sending an e-mail to every member as well as a PM if they use Bungie.net. It contains details requesting nationality age as well as some other personal notes. If I have no reply by the 15th November, they will be booted. You have all been warned. 

I also need a PC Battalion leader. The chosen ones are Ruke 'Ladamee and Huki 'Umamee who will answer all questions you may have about game planning etc as it is there job to do so. 

Myself and the Battalion leaders will be organizing games so we play and access every one of you. They will start on 15th November. Fully fledged clan battles will be starting from 21st November, so I want you all ship shape by then on Halo 2.

There will be a inter-battalion tournament soon also so be prepared for a lot of future gaming.